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Zero Barriers Seeks to Remove Barriers to STEM

Ohio Department of Education Joins Smithsonian Initiative to Pilot Frameworks Griffey is the reason why Yujia Ding can work as a scientist. Actually, the 70-pound English Labrador is why she can do anything – safely. The service animal has been trained to support Ding when POTS,  Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, causes her heart to race, […]

A Few Words Loom Large: Lessons from a Father

At a school just outside of Columbus, the principal sits at her desk with a sign looming large behind her. The sign reads, “Be Genuine, Be Interesting.” Judy Hoban, the principal of Tree of Life Christian Schools, Polaris, explained that those framed words were the last comments her father made to her.  Hoban’s father, John […]

Changing Education Is Possible

NORTH RIDGEVILLE – Melissa Durkin, principal of Ranger High Tech Academy and the STEM coordinator for the North Ridgeville high school, recognizes that education is plagued with inertia. “A lot of people don’t think it’s possible to change education,” Durkin said. “I am proof that it is possible.” Durkin’s path from traditional classroom teacher to […]
