DigiFabCon 2018 Scholarships Available

TIES has partnered with Chevron to offer a scholarship that covers conference registrations to the March 27-28, 2018 DigiFabCom. To be eligible, speakers in education, entrepreneurship and technology/manufacturing should submit an Ignite Talk about a project you’d like to present at the conference. All submissions will be entered to win prizes including a MakerBot Replicator, donated […]

Prometheus and Zeus: Are They Indifferent?

Are the Gods Indifferent? It’s an old question, at least as old as Prometheus. Are the gods indifferent or is there something in the scheme of things that cares? The ancient tale of Prometheus neatly parses its reply – yes and no. Zeus is indifferent to humanity; we are small change. But not Prometheus. His […]

MC2 Teacher Is Only Ohio Educator To Receive State Honor

We join our friends at MC2 STEM High School in congratulating Damien Johnson, 2018 winner of the Excellence in Teaching Diversity Award! There is a rigorous nomination and review process and Damien is the only educator in Ohio to receive this honor in 2018. This award is given to an Ohio 6-12 grade teacher who […]