White House Announces STEM Ecosystems #1 Priority
On December 4, 2018 during an event at The White House attended by TIES, the National Science and Technology Council and The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy announced the STEM five-year strategic plan, Charting A Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education.” TIES Founder and President Jan Morrison participated in the June 2018 […]
Digital Shipbuilding Design Studio in Suffolk, VA
TIES consultants Toby Bothel and Dr. Sarah Koebley facilitated a Design Studio at the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center in Suffolk, VA on November 14, 2018. The Design Studio focused on expanding existing partnerships in the development of career pathways into Digital Shipbuilding. Forty people attended, representing the shipbuilding and ship repair industries, K-14 schools, economic […]
GO Virginia Grant Supports Digital Shipbuilding Initiatives
A significant digital transformation is under way in the shipbuilding industry with the move toward the use of a digital, 3D product definition that supports model-based construction and maintenance to capture efficiencies and cost-saving benefits realized in industries already using a digital enterprise. Huntington Ingalls Industries — Newport News Shipbuilding is at the forefront of […]