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STEM Works

STEM learning is a featured component of the efforts led by The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Technology. This anchoring organization brings together industry and education partners to support STEM learning opportunities throughout the six county region served by the ecosystem. Since 2011, community partnerships have increased STEM learning in the classroom and […]

Appalachian STEM Collaborative

Focused on increasing hope in the region, the Appalachian STEM Collaborative has convened its region through a robust and comprehensive design process. Driven by the Education Service Centers serving Muskingum Valley, East Central Ohio, and Ohio Valley, leaders from around the region are convening to make a real and tangible difference in the future of […]

Northeast Ohio STEM Learning Ecosystem

NeoSTEM is dedicated to increasing the visibility and accessibility of STEM professions in northeast Ohio’s underserved students with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM. NeoSTEM launched STEM in My Neighborhood, a community-based program to support existing grassroots educational programming and develop new after-school and weekend education opportunities at the neighborhood level. They […]
