STEM-on-the-Go Teacher Visit FAQ
What happens if it rains?
If the weather is not cooperative – rain, cold or excessive heat – students may
Do students need a permission slip?
The STEM-on-the-Go Van is considered by most schools as an ‘on-site field trip’ and therefore
What should my students bring with them?
For most visits, students do not need to bring anything with them to the STEM-on-the-Go
Where should I bring my students?
Please look over the schedule you were sent for your school’s visit. Please be ready
How long are the students out at the van?
Each class will be scheduled for one to three periods of time depending on the
Who runs the activities in the van?
All STEM programming is led by Mike Harris, the Mobile Fabrication Lab Manager. Mike is
Who should go out with the students to the van?
The classroom teacher MUST come out to the van with their class. A substitute
How many students can visit the van at a time?
One class of students should visit the van at once. No more than 30 students
What aged students can visit the van?
The STEM-on-the-Go Van is ready to work with students K-12 in a formal education setting
What are the costs associated with bringing the STEM-on-the-Go Van to my school?
Costs are dependent on the length of the visit, school details, and travel expenses incurred.
What kind of activities will students be doing in the STEM-on-the-Go Van?
Each visit is customized to the school, but activities range from using a laser cutter
Can the STEM-on-the-Go Van visit my school?
The van is available to schools, districts, and communities to provide hands-on STEM experiences. Customized
What technologies are on the van?
The Van is a Ford E450 box van equipped with Digital Fabrication and Machining equipment.
What is the STEM-on-the-Go Van?
In partnership with RTI and the Defense STEM Education Consortium (DSEC), TIES operates the STEM-on-the-GO